Sunday 6 November 2011

My new life

I decided to create a new blog because my old blog, which has accompanied me for 5 years,
was kind of polluted with some bad and unwanted memories back then..
I was a terrible person last year and all the blog posts of last year was very unclean..

the good thing is, I have changed now.
things that I posted back then, really hurt those who care for me escpecially my parents.

So here am I now, starting a new life with God.
I promise I wont go back to the life I had last year..
though there are many beautiful memories with friends that I will never forget in my life....

Actually I should start this blog way earlier ...

starting from now.. All of my blog posts shall be about
meaningful posts, life stories ( can be sorrow or joy ), and posts that touches lives..

can i do it? YES I CAN!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

well,byee :) enjoy your stay~ more posts to come!

- Acshi.

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