Saturday 10 December 2011

Im going to outbac again!!!

Im going to camp tomorrow, at outbac broga!!!
i miss that place so much!!!
We went there this august,our cf camp!

i miss that peaceful place...really many many memories...
But flying fox..HOW?!!!  ARGHHH i have height phobia,and this time no more bryan or alex beside me.... TT and,leap of faith, omgosh!!!! I really hope i can jump and reach the bar,really hope! Lord please give me one more chance! i really wanna jump over....haha

Ohkay Anna, that's not the main thing you gotta think about.
Pray really hard for tomorrow's camp.
MIF's next year's theme,Theme talks,goal, etc....
Focus, ANNA  :)

Okay that's facebook and blogging for 3 days...
goodnight everyone..


I dont know why but i feel like saying this now :


NSCFL camp :)

It's been quite a long time since i updated this blog...
many things happenned recently..... :)

Holidays are going to end soon, but i have not posted anything about my holidays
unlike my other friends, they've got loads of posts about their holidays...

I used to be a BLOGGING QUEEN.

the previous blog i had, it accompanied me for 5 years.

I write whatever i wanted to write,

I post a new post every single day and all of them are very long..

after posting , i feel very satisfied..

but now, im not the same anymore. i dont know why, i seem to find it hard writing a blog...

I dont know how to describe my feelings anymore..

I know i have a lot to say ,

but i just dont know how to say it out....


anyways, i joined NSCFL camp this year and it was totally an awesome camp!!

this was my first year joining this camp. Me and ethel represented hhcf. only the 2 of us, cuz the rest of them ended up cant go... i felt nervous...really nervous... i am a very shy person.. i dont know how to socialize and make friends,and this is a super big camp with 100+ members... i know they will be friendly but i still feel nervous...but luckily ethel was there...

but it was totally different as i thought...people there were very very friendly...ethel introduced me some friends there, when i first got there the 1st friend i knew was Su jane :) I get to know me group members too.. my group is OBADELE THOMPSON :)

this camp really taught me a lot...a lot and a lot...i think it is very worth going and i want to join again next year. it was indeed because of God's grace, only i get to enjoy myself very much at that 6 days...I learnt alot from our theme talk speaker-Marianne. she taught us how to humble ourselves and love every of our cf members as a leader, and have a prayerful heart. dont always just pray for yourself,pray for all your cf members and love them..just like paul loved the philippians.i learnt alot when i attended the workshops too : teaching as vocation,personality test,worship in SCF,evangelism,program planning&problem solving..etc...

at the 5th day, we had a program which is prayer and fasting.. this is the first time in my life i fast and pray ( omgosh -.-) ... we had 5 hours of solitude with God alone... we were supposed to find a quiet spot on our own and spend time with God... it felt incredible,really. God spoke to me and i spoke to Him... at the first 2 hours i was hungry...but after that no more...

and i also cant forget those awesome people i met there! although i dont get to know all of them,but i know that we are all one big family in christ... for the 6 days, we..hang out together,worship together,learn together,eat,play,chat together....I m happy i met so many nice new friends...:) and... i love my group!!! we are the champion for NSCFL camp this year!!! Obadele thompson!! :) i had a really nice time being with the thompsons ! and we had a very good leader too-Daniel ! :) I will never forget all the memories we had together...especially when harold play the aeroplane game, that totally made me laughed until stomachache...until now when i think of it i still laugh and laugh......

so many lengluis and lengzais in this camp too :D haha.... oh ya, MY ROOMMATE! emily! she's so nice...and cute :) in the middle of the night when we both cant sleep we just keep chatting and chatting... i told her my story and she told me hers, and we did devotion together at night of the nights we even get scolded:"lights off,lights off,sleep now!" by one of the officers...although it was just 6 days being her roommate..but i'll really miss her....

oh and yes, ETHEL KHOO, i have not forget you! :) teeeheeee.
eheheh,really thankiewverymuch laa take care of me hehe :D
we get to know each other  more during this camp too
and thanks for accompanying me everywhere i go and taking care of me as a big sister.. :P
thanks for listening to my fan nao and xin shi also...really thanks for everything during the camp...
you're a really nice friend and sister to me :) hehe :D

These are the awesome people i'm talking about. they're really special to me...I love them :)

 Emily my room mate :)                                                              Belinda!:)

 Akira! she's cool :D                                                Mariane,our speaker,ethel and me. :)

                  the small eye wai jun! my group member!:D            Jie Hui,a cutie :D

               Marytha!! i hope to see her again...                                         Ravern!:)

This is wei han,she's super cute,really ! :D                                Harold,iwillneverforgetyou.:)

 The 4 of us!- Su Jane,Me,Marytha,Akira :)
 OH this is andrew and his friend!! Andrew,a funny guy and
 very nice friend!!! haha :D
                                                                                             Su Jane! :)

 Zane, a very lovely person..he loves his friend and care for his friends much...
He's really a very very nice person...I love him as my friend :) He's only 14!
so i get to see him next year! :)                                                                     

 who is this again? look like ah ma xD                                        :P

Other photos of camp :

Really nice time with you guys... i thank all SU staff for organizing this camp...
may God bless all of you... Our friendship doesnt end'll continue to grow...
We are all partners in sharing the gospel and bro&sis in christ forever....
Love you all :)

This is me :) randomly found it,so i just post it here..The first picture was standard 2..the first year of short hair... :) i was the flower girl for my cousin's wedding :) it's been ages i've not been a flower girl,means im really sad :( no more flower girl..but gt chance to be bridesmaid haha xD

This is when i was std 1,year 2003 :) Why was i so white? so dark.

Thursday 10 November 2011









帅哥美女都聚集在这里 x)

还有全世界最好的数学老师jimmy chia
我和悦文 :)



我真的很开心认识 她:)


这是秀娴。她很可爱 :)

每次孤单的时候,她都会陪我 :)

ini 叶欣惠!! sampat,用功,善良,彬彬有礼,很关心朋友,坐我隔壁的叶欣惠小姐!!!
我真的很珍惜这位非常可爱的朋友 :) 明年她读理科了.... so sad :(

hehheh, 秀娴&欣惠 :) 

幸莹! 初一,初三和她同班,她重头到尾都是那么文静 ;)
不过跟她熟后,原来她也很疯 xDD
她很美,尤其是脱眼镜的时候 :)
可以和美女拍照是我的荣幸 ;)
 serena & 欣惠 :)
以为自己很帅,其实是下水到死 :D


                                                       这张很好笑 x)
 我和比恩 :)
做么我酱丑 ==

:) Taken by Ricky.

sampat timothy xDDD 可爱的表弟 :D

 回到家.... :)
 :DD LOL ! sampat timothy and shyun :D
 放学后在脚车店遇到aunty peck ying 就和她说起话来 :)

 “有人”讲他要拍我讲话的样子,不知道是谁来的 :D

mummy 拍的 :D

 偶然看到妹妹的玩具眼镜就拿来乱乱拍, LOL .

 9.11.2011 - 毕业典礼 :)

dorcas & anna ! 第一次跟穿管乐衣服的人拍照,我觉得她们很yeng :D

My bestie Dorcas Lai :D <3

 I love them :) best friends forever! :)