Saturday 8 December 2012

I'm tired, I'm having a very painful headache.
It's killing me... I can't even sleep, Keep on pulling my hair.

It's dark, It's silent, when i hug my pillow, i can hear my own heartbeat
what does it have to say?
I guess it has many things to say.

When it's dark, quiet and silent in the middle of the night,
I think about stuffs.
About my life, about people, about the past, the future, and random memories that just popped out...
I think about, my wrong, my mistakes, things that are hindering me to do the right thing..
I think about.. many many things.

Who is that girl i see, staring straight, back at me?
When will my reflection show, who i am inside?

Life has been great, It's been full of joy, full of laughter,
I've been a cheerful girl, in fact a very cheerful one.

I'm not the old me anymore, because of Jesus Christ
that has changed me, touched my heart, and cleansed my past,
I Love my life now, i love the people around me, i love the feeling of being loved and to love.

It's been a while.
But I still want to say that the TRUTH has set me free.
It's an undescrible feeling.
It feels, great, peaceful, and joyful.

I'm no more the girl that everyone has to say STOP being EMO to me every day
I'm no more the girl that cries everyday
I'm no more the girl that will look at other people's beautiful smile and wish that i could have one too.

But now, everyday i constantly remind myself 

that i want to be the kind of girl that will influence people to be happy
the kind of girl that smiles so joyfully, until when people see me, 
they can feel the joy in my heart and in my life. 
the kind of girl that can make people smile because of my smile.

Sometimes the past still haunts me,
but i remind myself that there's a great future out there waiting for me.
The bible tells us not to look back, but to look forward.

I'm sorry Lord for the things I've made it...
when it's all about You...
It's all about You... Jesus.

Well... I won't say so much here.

Lastly, my favorite song :

Create in me a clean heart, O God
And renew a right spirit within me

Cast me not away from Thy presence O Lord
and take not Thy Holy spirit from me
Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation
And renew a right spirit within me


The joy of the Lord is my strength :)

Love always hopes, always trust. Love never fails.